A good self-respecting pattern maker or seamstress needs to have a basic sewing kit, right?
This kit needs to have good scissors, a tape measure, pins... rulers....
Thinking about these materials and the doubt that many people have about the materials used in draping, I decided to make a complete list of the materials we use to make the three-dimensional modeling technique.
This list is super complete, so don't despair, as some of these items I bought recently, so you don't have to get them all right away. This list is divided according to each stage of the technique:
Materials for marking the dummy
1 Industrial Mannequin (or a Sewing Mannequin)
15 meters of 0.4 mm Satin Ribbon in blue, black or red
1 measuring tape
Pins number 29
1 Scissors for cutting fabric
Materials to make Bourrage (padding a dress form):
Felt shoulder pads in various sizes
Acrylic Blanket for additional fillers (optional)
Bra cup (optional)
Bandage to finish the bourrage
Materials to make the draping:
Raw cotton, calico, vichy, percale or tricoline
Materials for planning:
1 reel
modeling rulers
Brown paper (1 meter of paper)
1 tailor's chalk
pencil 6b
1 paper scissors
1 plier pliers
1 eraser
1 Bic Pen
style ribbon
bar measuring ruler
drawing broom
What did you think of this list? Want to learn more about these materials? See this video here: