I believe that everyone is already used to the Home office and especially with the EAD courses.
I know that at the beginning of the year, many of us make plans to read books or study and then I ask you: Can you maintain a routine of modeling and sewing studies at home?
I receive some messages from students, sad that they are not able to advance in my online course and I always say that the important thing is not to charge yourself too much, but to create strategies to be able to follow the course (whether mine or any other you are doing) on your rhythm.
Well, but the purpose of this post is to help you get organized, I'm going to share here some organization suggestions that help me stay productive and the best, with my studies up to date, let's go?!
1. Place for studies
The first tip is to choose a good place to study. This place needs to be well lit, airy, quiet and well equipped, that is, have everything at hand. A place that is easy to cut the fabric, iron, do the draping and have a way to organize these canvases later. After I organized my atelier, I can guarantee that everything flowed better, as I no longer carried my materials around the house, I showed my design and organization in this video here.
2. Fixed hours
To avoid procrastination, set fixed schedules and goals in your studies. Thinking about it, I even inserted a schedule in the course booklet Secrets of draping Francesa for students to put their goals and schedules, you can do one in a very simple way, but it's important to fulfill what you determined!
The ideal is to always separate the same times to study. Follow these schedules every day and you will soon be able to build an efficient study routine.
3. Study schedule
Define what you are going to study, set goals according to the modules, if you are going to study collars, define which collars you will make during the week, for example.
4. Notes
While you watch the video classes and do exercises, it is very important to take notes in your notebook. In addition to helping to fix the content, it serves as material for later research.
5. Organization
Organize all your material and keep everything tidy, whether for when you start studying, as this will optimize your time. Avoid distractions during the study period.
I always advise students to prepare the screens at once, so when you go to practice the material is already prepared and so it doesn't take long to prepare!
Did you like the tips? Which of these strategies will you adopt? Good studies!