Do you know which mistakes we should avoid in draping? Pay attention and keep these tips, as these details guarantee the quality of the final result!
For this content to be as didactic as possible, I will list them here, take a pen and paper!
Starting to make your mold without making the previous marking of the screen is a serious mistake and compromises the final result. You need to mark the CF and CC (center front and center back) and the parallel lines, in this case at least the bust line for blouses and the hip line for skirts, remembering that all lines are ideal!
If you pin the stitches correctly and in the right way, there is no need to fill the dummy with pins, thus saving time while you are mouling and then when you are done, as it won't take you long to remove unnecessary pins.
After the canvas is finished, if you want to iron you must be careful not to iron it with the steam of the iron, as it will make the measurements transferred to the canvas shrink with the fabric and so your pattern will not match the measurements of the mannequin.
You see, these are details that seem "small" and that in the end make a big difference!