February 28th was the launch day of my draping e-book.
This e-book, which has already been downloaded by thousands of people around the world, has a very peculiar story and I'm going to share it here with you.
In 2014, that is, 8 years ago, I was a columnist for Audaces blog, which is a company that is a leader in fashion-oriented cad/cam software.
So I wrote for them in a sort of column called Falando de Educação, and in that column I addressed issues related to books and the draping technique.
To illustrate my posts, I needed good photos, so I called a friend, Rafael, to take some photos of the mannequins, during a class break.
I remember that I made the tutorials from scratch, he was clicking everything and after that content became a series of posts.
draping posts were champions in terms of access, and some sites replicated the content, reaching the point of being the reference content for draping on google, after all at that time little was said about the technique.
At Audaces we had a lot of incentive from the company's marketing and so we were invited to a meeting for columnists, held by the company at its headquarters in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina and then they motivated us to create content for youtube. I confess that it took me a while to record the videos, I was ashamed... among other common feelings of those who are starting in digital.
So it can be said that starting from these contents I created my channel, and after when I started talking about draping on the channel, I took the opportunity to compile this material in an e-book format and that's how the book was born!
It was a material that I developed with great care and care, I did all the layout, chose the images, hosted on a website and did all the publicity and at the time I was very proud of the feedback I received and I can say, that I receive until today!
The content of the book is very accessible and didactic, its organization facilitates the learning of those who are learning the technique and works as a true guide, so you can follow the steps and develop according to the content described and with the help of the photos , starting with the complete list of materials, preparation of fabrics and finally the development of skirts: basic skirt and flared skirt.
Want to know and try the tutorials organized here? So download it for free here and then tell me how this e-book helped you, okay?