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Do you know the style tape or draping tape?

It's a thin ribbon with glue that you can use to design the style of the piece or cutouts on the draping or draw the final details, like this collar in the photo.

It is an alternative to the conventional ribbon, as it does not need pins and also replaces the pencil or pen, and is great for when we are creating and we are still not sure how we want the piece, it avoids unnecessary markings and scratches, I particularly like to do it. details such as collars and necklines.


I often use this feature in my tutorials, as you can follow here on the channel and because I work on the dummy, this process is much faster and easier!

Oh and a very frequent question people ask is where is my tape from. I bought this one in NY when I went to Mood's store, I even told it here on the blog and also on the channel.

Then I got it as a gift from a very dear student from the pilot class, but then it was a variation of the tape, it's actually the masking tape, which can also be used as a style tape.

A very important warning that I usually give to students is that this tape serves only as a style tape, that is, do not mark your mannequin with these tapes, as they are adhesive and this adhesive can deteriorate your mannequin, right?

Well and as you always ask, where to buy this tape? I'll leave the link to the masking tape, which as I said can be used as a style tape and I even use mine a lot:



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