Do you want to be a draping expert?
I'm going to tell you a little about my story and give you some tips on how you too can be an expert in this technique so valued in the world of sewing and modeling.
When I started to study draping, I found an alternative to flat modeling, but I ended up having other benefits with the technique, such as understanding the flat modeling itself, becoming more creative and also having more confidence when making a mold.
And precisely, these were the benefits that made me study and improve myself more and more.
I've done about 6 draping trainings over the years, the first being in 2004 and the last one now in 2022, in Paris.
I'll put them here in chronological order:
2004 Fashion and Style - UCS
2005 Draping Course with Euzita Almeida - Fine Arts SP/UCS
2006 Draping Training Course with Ana Berg - Senac/Esmod/UCS
2007 Special Draping Course - Senac/Esmod/UCS
2013 Modeling Course for Volumetric Construction with Shingo Sato
2020 Draping course at the 'École de la Chambre Syndicale de la Couture Parisienne - IFM
2022 Draping Course at La Couture Brigade
A lot, right? Apart from the years that I taught at the University and that I applied my own teaching methodology following the rigor of French Draping.
I applied this organization in my online course, just like it was passed on to students in the face-to-face course and the result they had was clear, but the difference is that the study plan at the time was summarized, unlike the online course where more than 80 classes are only about draping.
Draping is still an exclusive and accessible technique for few, so the professional who knows how to work with the technique is valued in the market and although I have never worked as a professional pattern maker, I realized in the selection of vacancies for teachers how much having draping courses in my curriculum they helped and were decisive for me to get a certain vacancy, because for the same reason I mentioned, there are few courses in Brazil and few are the professionals who delve into the technique.
It took me about 16 years, studying, perfecting myself and teaching the technique and this knowledge was organized in an online course format which I call Secrets of French Draping, precisely because it contains certain secrets of the technique that are not easily taught by other professionals in the area. .
I always talk about the importance of a professional in the fashion field mastering the technique, especially if you are a designer who dreams of having an authorial work or if you are a seamstress and need to overcome the fear of cutting fabric or being free of patterns. magazine ready.
Or, if you just want to learn as a hobby, look at the fashion magazines and brands you like and make the pieces adapted to your body type.
Another way of studying I had was through specific moulage books, today I have a personal collection with more than 10 exclusive books on moulage and three-dimensional modeling that help a lot in my evolution with draping.
Of course, along with studies there is training. As in flat modeling, training in technique is essential for us to evolve more and more.
I hope you enjoyed the tips and develop with a professional draping expert with a vast repertoire of techniques!